Wednesday, May 6, 2015

2015x 3DExperience Login Failure

Caused by: The server cannot obtain the license for user 'Test Everything' due to the following errors.
License 'DPJ' not available on license server(s) - 'ERR-1A000048:  Server license is not running on this host
07:52:35.UTC - License servers configuration file path: /var/DassaultSystemes/Licenses/DSLicSrv.txt
  [01/01]  KO: Connection error (at 07:38:03.UTC)

License 'DPM' not available on license server(s) - 'ERR-1A000048:  Server license is not running on this host
07:52:35.UTC - License servers configuration file path: /var/DassaultSystemes/Licenses/DSLicSrv.txt
  [01/01]  KO: Connection error (at 07:38:03.UTC)

This is caused by the Firewall setting I recently activated.
Don't know how to fix it yet.
But just disable the Windows 7 Firewall setting should be fine.
Press: Start button -> search 'firewall'  -> firewall status....
just disable the firewall and restart the VirtualBox or VMWare if you must.



  1. Hello,
    I have followed you blog in detail to try to solve my issue with the connection with 3DEXPERIENCE. I have installed SQL as database and the the server part in a Windows 7 x64. When I run the License Administrator Tool, I connect with the localhost and everthing is OK. All licenses are Active.

    But, when I navigate in IE to http://localhost:8070/enovia/emxLogin.jsp and log with Test Everything, I get the following message: Login failed: '' License(s) does not exist on license server. Please get the license(s)

    The windows firewall has been turned off.

    What checks can I perform to try to solve the issue?
    Thanks in advance

    1. Hello,
      I have the same error like you, but I could not solve it yet can you tell me what did you done with?

  2. Boltian I am facing the same issue http://localhost:8070/enovia/emxLogin.jsp and log with Test Everything, I get the following message: Login failed: '' License(s) does not exist on license server. Please get the license(s)
    Please let me know the solution

    Thanks in advance

  3. Hello Rithesh,

    Can you please restart DB server n listner.
